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Why Bolivia?

Within its borders, Bolivia harbors between 30% and 40% of the planet's biological diversity, making it a crucial location for sustainable development and conservation projects. The country spans three major watersheds: the Amazon, La Plata, and the Altiplano. The Amazon biome alone covers 44% of Bolivia's territory, while other significant biomes include the Chaco (11.6%), Chiquitano (11.5%), Tucumano Boliviano (4.4%), and Pantanal (2.5%). Together, these biomes, which make up 74% of Bolivia's landmass, are vital for their extensive forest coverage and the unique ecosystems they support. Additionally, the Andes or Altiplano, accounting for 26% of the territory, play a critical role with their glaciers and other natural resources.


Bolivia is home to 39 Indigenous communities, who collectively occupy over 24 million hectares of land, underscoring the importance of integrating these communities into sustainable land management efforts. However, Bolivia also ranks among the top three countries globally for primary tropical forest loss, making it an urgent priority for reforestation and conservation initiatives.

Learn more about our projects:

Superfoods, Nutraceuticals, Medicinal, and Aromatic Plants

Our forests are home to an incredible diversity of plants, seeds, fruits, and barks, which ancient tribes have used for centuries as food, medicine, and more. Our focus is on creating a synergy between ancestral knowledge and modern technology to develop marketable and exportable products. By doing so, we empower our indigenous communities to generate sustainable income while preserving and protecting the forests they call home.


We are currently expanding the cultivation and foraging of Chiquitana Almonds also known as Baru Nut (Dipteryx Alata) across various communities. Chiquitana Almonds (Baru Nut) are a superfood rich in protein, fiber, antioxidants, zinc, potassium, and vitamin E, while being low in calories and saturated fats. Women are the main actors leading the foraging and production of Chiquitana Almonds (Baru Nuts). In addition to our work with local communities, we have established a pilot plantation to ensure fair pricing and promote fair trade practices with these communities.


Our end goal is to develop a range of branded food, skincare and homeopathic remedies. These products will deliver the amazing healing powers of the rainforest to our customers and will be marketed in Brazil, Europe and North America.


At the same time as providing much needed nutrition to our customers, their sale will

generate the income needed in Bolivia to protect the rainforest.


In the short term, and to help with the funding of the long-term R&D, we are selling

products into the world markets including:


  • Brazil Nuts

  • Baru Nuts according to the USDA, the most nutritious nut in the world (North America only, as application for Novel Foods status in progress EU/UK)

  • Quinoa including Quinoa Royal (only available in Bolivia)

  • Sesame seeds

  • Chia seeds

  • Pink salt (only available from 4 countries worldwide)

  • Pink pepper

  • Dried Mango

  • Exotic fruit pulped, frozen and ready to create ‘fresh’ juice in food service outlets – including Achachairu, Mango, Passion Fruit, Star Fruit and Tamarind

  • San Pedro Singani (an immature brandy) produced by the oldest working distillery in the world (started in 1550)

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Support sustainable economic development.


Urban and Rural Reforestation

Urban Trees: The importance and benefits of trees in our cities cannot be overstated. We have established agreements with various levels of government to plant native trees in boulevards, schools, parks, and green spaces, enhancing urban environments and improving the quality of life for residents. We continuously educate young people and adults on the benefits and importance of trees. We offer reforestation packages for individuals and businesses.


Trees in Indigenous Communities: We work closely with indigenous communities to plant native, productive trees in deforested areas of their regions. This initiative not only helps restore the environment but also, through workshops, training, and technical advice, fosters the understanding that trees are more valuable alive than dead, encouraging communities to protect and preserve their forests, turning them into dedicated guardians of these vital ecosystems. You can purchase reforestation packages to help vulnerable communities.


Ensuring transparency is important that is why each tree planted is tagged with a QR code, providing access to its GPS location, measurements, images, and health status, all of which can be viewed through our online dashboard.

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Contribute to reforestation and help create a greener world.


Regenerative Livestock and Agronomy with Trees

As the years pass, livestock farming and agriculture have evolved to maximize production while ensuring food security and resilience to climate change. Systems like integrated crop-livestock-forestry offer an opportunity to incorporate trees into our productive landscapes. Each type of soil, with its unique characteristics, requires a native tree species that is well-suited to the environment. In livestock farming, trees reduce animal stress, thereby maximizing the conversion of grass to meat. Our pioneering species, such as the Chiquitana almond (Baru nut), is a legume that enriches the soil with nitrogen. It is hardy, requires minimal maintenance once established, and, like all trees, creates a beneficial microclimate.


We operate a nursery to meet the demand for productive and native tree seedlings, and we offer planting, monitoring, and technical advisory services. We can design plantations with trees exclusively or in linear arrangements alongside other systems. Once your trees begin to bear fruit, we will purchase the harvest at market prices. With the Chiquitana almond (Baru nut) being a superfood, this venture is highly profitable.

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Maximize your profits while nurturing the land with every tree you plant.


Indigenous Communities Program

In Bolivia, indigenous communities occupy 22% of the territory, with their forests often bordering vital forest reserves. Collaborating with these communities is essential for successful reforestation and sustainable forestry projects. By educating and involving them in the cultivation and utilization of native plants, combining ancestral knowledge with modern techniques to add value, we help foster a sustainable bioeconomy. This approach empowers communities to protect the forest and improve their livelihoods, without resorting to logging.


Many of these communities live in poverty, lacking basic resources like electricity and potable water. Through education on the value of superfoods such as the Chiquitana almond, as well as other forest products like seeds and medicinal plants, we provide the opportunity for sustainable income generation. Currently, we are working with native Chiquitana almond trees, planting them in deforested and degraded lands, while promoting the integration of these trees with other crops.

Empower indigenous communities to protect the Amazon while generating sustainable incomes through the cultivation of native trees and superfoods.

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Contribute to reforestation and sustainable livelihoods in indigenous communities.


Carbon and Biodiversity Credits (In Development)

We are developing an innovative system to monetize both standing forests, new plantations and other carbon sequestrations techniques, not only through carbon credits but also through all biodiversity assets. This approach helps combat deforestation, incentivizes forest conservation, and fosters a shift in mindset toward preserving biodiversity. By assigning measurable value to the natural services that our forests provide, we aim to protect ecosystems while creating a sustainable source of revenue.

As a forward-thinking company committed to addressing the global challenge of deforestation and biodiversity loss, now is the time to take action. Partner with us to slow down this destructive process and contribute to a future where forests and biodiversity thrive.

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By investing through our platform, you ensure that your contribution is reinvested in more sustainable projects.


Ecotourism and Animal Refuge (In Development)

Our ecotourism and animal refuge project integrates nature conservation with sustainable tourism, maximizing the potential of land by generating multiple streams of revenue. Visitors can immerse themselves in Bolivia’s rich biodiversity while learning ancestral knowledge from Indigenous communities and local guides. Activities include weaving using palm fibers, crop management, milking, survival techniques, and traditional remedies made from native medicinal plants. Additionally, our conservation areas will serve as animal refuges, offering sanctuary to animals displaced by deforestation or injured by fires. Guests can choose between hotel accommodations for comfort or adventurous camping experiences. Every tour package supports the preservation of our wildlife and forests.

Discover the natural beauty of Bolivia and immerse yourself in the wisdom of Indigenous cultures. Experience firsthand how we are protecting biodiversity and helping animals recover in their natural habitats. By booking a tour, you’re not only enjoying a unique adventure but also directly contributing to the protection and restoration of our wildlife and ecosystems.

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Your adventure supports the preservation of our flora, fauna, and Indigenous traditions.

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